Public school teachers, charity workers and many employees of religious organizations often find themselves in a bad situation when they realize that their 403(b) earnings aren't sufficient at retirement. High fees and mediocre investment choices in their 403(b) plans are partly to blame. Here are a few tips from the NY times on how to get started:
Key Takeaways:
The best way to get started is to talk to your colleagues and your boss about starting or changing the retirement plan.
It may be a little difficult for smaller nonprofits to find a plan provider to help with their retirement plan. Fidelity and Vanguard do not focus on smaller 403(b) plans as much. Money Intel can help!
Find an advisor that can help facilitate and advise on setting up an employer retirement plan.
A 401(k) may be easier to set up than a 403(b) - nonprofits will have the option to do a 401(k) instead, unfortunately public school employees have to stick to the 403(b).
- If you think you have a bad plan on your hands, start with evaluating the company that runs it and ask about fees.
Read more in the NY Times article here: |